Environment and Planning

Protecting, managing and using our natural resources is complex — just like the evolving regulatory landscapes that govern them. Successfully navigating environmental and resource management law takes more than legal expertise; it requires strategic insight, collaboration with a wide range of stakeholders, sector expertise and a clear understanding of the optimal end goal. 

With extensive experience advising developers and infrastructure providers, councils and other regulators, iwi, businesses and community groups, our team are experts at anticipating challenges, working though regulatory processes and empowering people to make informed decisions. If you’re advancing a project and seeking approvals, needing to achieve regulatory compliance, advocating for community interests or wanting to protect environmental values, get in touch to see how we can support you to get results. 

Areas we specialise in...

Our resource management specialists have significant experience and expertise advising and representing clients in all aspects of resource management law.

Resource Consents and Planning

  • Assisting to prepare and advance resource consent applications (land use, subdivision, water use, discharge permits, coastal permits)
  • Advising on zoning and development rights
  • Assisting with applications for plan changes, variations, and designations.
  • Assisting Councils with drafting and interpreting district and regional plan provisions and with plan review processes
  • Advocating for parties opposed to consent applications

Environmental Compliance and Enforcement

  • Prosecution and enforcement
  • Advising on compliance and monitoring requirements
  • Advising on and assisting to draft conditions attached to resource consents and other environmental approvals

Submissions and Advocacy

  • Representing clients and advising with respect to Council hearings, Environment Court, High Court, Court of Appeal, EPA and Board of Inquiry processes
  • Preparing and presenting legal submissions on consent applications and planning processes
  • Engaging in mediation and negotiations on RMA matters

Development and Infrastructure Projects

  • Advising on large-scale housing, infrastructure and energy projects
  • Navigating the fast-track consent process for significant projects
  • Advising on public works, land acquisition, and compensation under the Public Works Act 1981

Māori and Treaty of Waitangi considerations

  • Advising on consultation requirements with iwi and hapū under the RMA and assisting to formulate and implement consultation strategies
  • Assisting with cultural impact assessments and kaitiakitanga considerations
  • Representing Māori interests in RMA processes, including customary rights and waahi tapu protection

Climate change and environmental policy

  • Advising on climate-related regulations, carbon emissions, and environmental reporting
  • Engaging with and submitting on government policy changes, such as the repeal of the Natural and Built Environment Act (NBEA) and RMA reform

Govett Quilliam has a long and proud history of advising local authorities, giving us deep and specialised knowledge of local government law.

  • Drafting, reviewing, and interpreting local government bylaws, policies and bylaws, including; local alcohol, gambling and development contribution policies
  • Advising on judicial review of council decisions
  • Assisting with infrastructure projects, roading, and utilities
  • Advising councils on compliance with the Local Government Act 2002
  • Representing councils in hearings and Court appeals
  • Governance and decision making, consultation and assisting with conflicts of interest and code of conduct matters for elected officials
  • Advising councils on their obligations under Te Tiriti o Waitangi

  • Assisting iwi to develop environmental plans, strategies and guidelines
  • Energy developments, including assisting to obtain consents for offshore installations in the coastal marine area and EEZ and with respect to access arrangements and iwi consultation
  • Fast Track Approvals
  • Advising on the Conservation Act 1987 and Wildlife Act 1953
  • Assisting with archaeological authorities under the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014 and advising in relation to heritage buildings and cultural sites
Businesses we work with...
"Govett Quilliam has been an invaluable partner for Port Taranaki. Their team is always great to work with, providing us with prompt responses and sound advice. Their extensive expertise and commitment to excellence have consistently met our needs. I highly recommend Govett Quilliam for their professional services."
Justin Hawkins (Port Taranaki)
"Lauren responded promptly to our request and provided strong support throughout the process we engaged her for. Beyond factual and legal advice, she also offered valuable strategic advice. We felt she always had our best interests in mind, and the result was a positive outcome to the situation we found ourselves in."
Michael Braggins (Managing Director, Clelands Construction)
“Clarus is one of New Zealand’s largest energy groups, based in New Plymouth. Govett Quilliam and Clarus have been working together since Firstgas (one of the Clarus companies) first bought the gas distribution and high-pressure transmission network. Particularly strong in property and resource management, we are proud to support one of Taranaki’s leading law firms."
Lucy Riddiford (General Counsel, Clarus)
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