Second Partner Appointed To District Court Judge In Six Months

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Partner Alex Laurenson has been appointed a District Court Judge (effective 4 May, 2022), which will see him moving to Papakura.

Alex specialised in family law for the majority of his legal career and headed up our busy Family Team. With over 20 years experience (15 of those at GQ), Alex’s commitment to the Taranaki community and GQ has been admirable and he will be truly missed.

Alex is our second partner from GQ to be appointed as a District Court Judge within six months (previous partner Paul Shearer, was appointed in November 2021). It’s not commonly known that Govett Quilliam has over the years had an impressive four High Court appointments and eight District Court appointments – more appointments from former employees and partners than any other medium-sized private practice firm in regional New Zealand. 

15 years is certainly a long time to work within one organisation. Alex kindly agreed to share some of his thoughts and reflections from his time at Govett Quilliam.

What are you most proud of in your career?

My association with Govett Quilliam, I honestly don’t know if there could be a better place to work.

Biggest or best moment at GQ?

Obviously becoming a partner at GQ was a huge honour and something I am very proud of. Since then I have enjoyed mostly working with great team members. I have enjoyed employing graduates and watching them grow to being the clear future leaders of GQ.

What are you looking forward to as a judge?

There will be so many awesome challenges as a judge. I don’t want to presume I know now what I will enjoy most about the job. I am looking forward to the fact that I can make a long-term commitment to serving the judiciary.

What will you miss the most about Taranaki?

Everything. New Plymouth and Taranaki is simply the best place in New Zealand to live work and raise a family. I am very sorry to be leaving.

Your prediction for the legal space in the next 5 years?

It is all positive. There will continually be changes, but at GQ we have been focused on embracing those changes. I have been practicing for 22 years and early in my career I would worry about changes such as legislation that may have impacted on what I did. But I soon realised that it has been this way all along. There will always be a need for excellent lawyers whatever the economic or political situation. The key is to find a place where it is enjoyable to work with great people and just get on with it. GQ has been excellent for this.

A message for your clients?

Thank you. I was told when I was admitted to the bar that the opportunity to represent clients was a privilege to be cherished. The fact that members of the community have been prepared to place their personal affairs and trust and confidence in me has been an absolute honour. I wish to acknowledge the support of my clients over 22 years and the amazing courage they have shown in the many difficult matters we have confronted.

We are working hard to ensure a smooth transition for our clients so that you can be assured of an ongoing relationship with Govett Quilliam and, together with the Family Team (and our other specialist teams) will continue to ensure you receive the service you require. Please do not hesitate to contact us.